This is by far the dirtiest place I have ever been to. I had booked a body scrub well in advance, thinking they would use a nice scrub for my body with lotions. Boy was I wrong. As entering the shower area, it was permitted that you should not wear clothing. When I walked in I saw one lady washing another ladies ass! In the massage room, the women giving the massages were wearing skimpy underwear and bras. I was asked to get naked but I refused. The massage ladies used rubber gloves that had pumus stones on them and did not clean them after each use ! Those gloves were used to scrape off the dead skin off vaginas, asses, arm pits and the rest of your body! The beds were cleaned with just soap and warm water. The actual room smelt of mold. Also there was a child in the shower area witnessing naked women washing other women and getting scrubbed down! After being absolutely discusted in the showering area, we went to the common area where the leather coaches were peeling from being so old. This is supposed to be a family facility? I was so outraged that a place like this would exist and still maintain their clientele.