| - do not be misled by negative reviews from people who havent completed the program! I have just completed phase 2 of the training, abd cannot say enough about its powerful effect on my life. in the 2 weeks since I began, I've quit smoking, reconnected with my wife like newlyweds, recieved incresases in recognition and responsibility at work, yes, the program costs money, but its an investmentin yourself that will be returned a hundredfold. yes, you will encourage friends and family to go, but not because the program asks you too, you will be self-motivated to share this gift with the people you love because you genuinely want great things for them. yes, the program does ask you to worship one person, and place your faith in them, but that person is YOURSELF! yes, there is a charismatic speaker, but they're encouraging you to reconnect, expand and live outward rather than close off, isolate and retreat inward! befoee you make a decision, contact ANYONE who mentions LVxxx in their post to get an honest opinion from SOMEONE WHO'S DONE IT! would you trust a restaurant review from someone who's just looked at the menu, or has just been invited by friends/family but doesnt go bedause of the price?! good food isnt cheap, but it can be worth it! OWTF, DWIT! LV136/137 leadership!