This is a big deal. While checking a bag that contained a firearm, the agents demonstrated a complete and utter lack of knowledge of the laws they're supposed to be there to enforce. They REQUIRED me to provide them with the key to my locked gun case, so they could open it OUTSIDE MY PRESENCE. This is a HUGE no-no, and I was completely blown away that they demanded it. I refused, naturally, as that would have been a violation of federal law. Eventually had to call my son and have him pick up the firearm, and was forced to be without it for the duration of my trip. Bottom line: The agents need MUCH better training, and they could stand to lose the attitude, too. The arrogance might be justified if they knew the laws they're enforcing at least as well as the passengers, but they clearly didn't, and the know-it-all attitude and arrogance they demonstrated while demanding that I break the law is inexcusable.