Attempted to have dinner there - even had a reservation. But when my first sight upon entering was hostess flanked by a DJ and she had to lean in toward me just so I could say my name right into her ear, I quickly realized this "restaurant" is more of a club on a Saturday night. We were told our table would be ready in 5 minutes. To the bar we went, fighting the crowd to be able to order an overpriced glass of wine - the brand of which is permanently on the bottom shelf of the wine department of Walmart - if you were wondering about the quality. We were in a sea of 40 and 50 somethings who were so plastered that I know their children would be embarrassed and mortified to see them. It was very much the norm and very pathetic. After waiting 30+ minutes, with a headache mounting from the thumping bass, we bailed and opted for the Italian place right next door. The drunk soccer moms in stilettos on the sidewalk out front showing us their version of sumo wrestling was a fitting last impression.