Hello fellow Yelpers ...
Anyone who reads my reviews know I am brutally honest... Be it good or bad!
As for SWEETS only been once.. Ice cream was horrible although I have never tried their food... The ice cream scared us away....
I wrote my review last April and never heard from an owner or employee of this business until they decided to have a RE GRAND OPENING and then alas... I get a message from BERTHA... The owner?
Suddenly she is concerned about our experience... Where were you last April?
Seems they have changed their ice cream and would like us to come to the re opening...
Unfortunately we were unavailable to attend because we do like to help our small local businesses.
I sent the owner a message saying I hope it went well.
No reply!
So I checked recent reviews to find 4 new reviews all within the same time period 3 of which are in the same town... Not Chandler.
I am a skeptic because I find it hard to believe 3 different people would drive to Chandler just for ice cream... Me thinks some friends are writing reviews??
Although I "could" be wrong...??
I feel reviews should not be bias if they are to be fair.
We will go back soon and try again and if indeed it is as awesome as these new reviews say....
I WILL delete this and my first review!
I believe in being fair!
Keep posted to see.... Does SWEETS really have the new awesome ice cream we are lead to believe?
Until then
Bon Appetite'