| - When I walked in I saw a woman sitting alone at a desk and a man standing behind the counter. I said hello and neither of them even looked up at me. I wandered toward the woman because the man walked over to help the only other customer in the store. The woman didn't look up and mumbled "I'll be with you in a minute." I said okay and looked around a little. After the man had spent a good amount of time chit chatting with the other customer about Father's Day he came over to me. I said, "I have some stuff I would like for you to..." and he cut me off and goes, "Ohhh, stuff... You got stuff..." I told him I already went through it all and just gave him a small bag of items with some kind of stamp on them. He immediately, without opening the bag, said, "We don't buy jewelry like this because it melts to nothing but we buy gold." I pointed to two gold bracelets in the bag and he just said, "No." So then I asked him to look at a quarter I had that was painted and he told me, "People color these for fun sometimes but they're just worth a quarter." I said, "Okay, thank you for your time." And walked out, he didn't respond or say you're welcome or anything. It seems to me they might treat men with respect but if a girl comes in they don't give the time of day or even have any manners.