| - After nearly seven months of doing business with Valley Sleep, I have yet to receive a single, concise, clear and correct invoice. I've involved every layer of management after they tried to duplicate bill me personally for my APAP machine when my insurance had already paid. My monthly equipment invoices are inaccurate, supply orders lack detail as to what I am buying since I'm billed but never receive anything and promises to fix back invoices go unfulfilled so now I'm being charged late fees. I have never, ever paid any bills late for anything but I have NO confidence in any bill I receive from Valley Sleep. I will be giving them back my machine and filing complaints with the BBB, AZ AG and am considering filing suit to recoup what Valley Sleep has been paid since neither I nor my insurer should have to pay for me to start this whole process all over with another firm.
PS: They have no online payment / merchant service despite what must be a considerable number of transactions. Totally are expected to cut them a check or fill out a credit card form every month for equipment rental, supplies (which you may or may not receive and are not line itemed), etc. I believe their unethical billing practices are exactly why they do not have online account management with historical records, etc. Instead you get to dig out files, notes, etc every month to try to figure out what they are billing and why and to fight with them over inaccuracies. My surgeon, cardiologist, ophthalmologist, etc are nearly all independents with online resources at a fraction of the transactional volume of Valley Sleep. Go figure.