Who would have thought dead bodies could be so fascinating?!
Decided to actually try something educational in Vegas along with killing my brain cells and liver through too much drinking and losing my money to the craps tables. Saw an ad for Bodies - at first thought it was a very strange ad for another topless show or strip club, but then saw that it was actually an educational exhibition of actual human bodies. Human bodies with their muscles, organs, and nerves have been preserved, dissected, and displayed in a respectful and fascinating way to illustrate what an amazing machine the human body is and how the tons of different parts work together in a complex symphony. And there is a section where you can also see fetuses that never made it from a tiny cell-like 3 weeks to many months of development - but they do warn you that if this is too disturbing, you should skip this area.
Thought this exhibition would be tiny but there's quite a few displays and can easy keep you captivated for at least 1 hr.
Hint: There are discount tix for this show for ~$18-19 via Tix4Tonight and Tickets2Nite as well as numerous $2-3 dollar off coupons in random Vegas coupon books.
Bottom line: Cool and potentially disturbing/freaky exhibition that is very educational and makes you not take your body for granted. The Flamingo is a pretty crappy casino but Bones makes the trip worth it.