| - What I would tell a new parent bringing their child to GVELPK as of May 2018. (It is under new leadership this year)
1. Ask to see the teaching credentials of all of the persons/teachers who will be in the classroom at any given time. You will be surprised at who literally has no college degree/certificate but a lot of charisma/the right relative and has been promoted for the latter.
2. Ask your child questions. Did your teacher make you feel special today? Did they get angry today?
3. Ask to see the policy regarding visitors or volunteers, in writing. Often the atmosphere is so "relaxed" that you will find random persons watching your children or just randomly in the classroom for no academic or religious reason. Speak up and assert your rights to know what is going on when you leave your child at GVELPK.
4. Try to volunteer at least once per semester. Not only will your child love you for it, you will be learn a great deal about the peer relationships at school.
5. Don't be afraid to give positive or negative feedback to the director or teacher. An effective director and or teacher will take your feedback and quietly and effectively address your concerns, in person. Too often the director will overcompensate with their teachers with the "I've got your back," strategy of management, which doesn't allow the root cause of the conflict to be resolved and just protects the weaker teachers.
6. Meet with the pastors. Get to know them. Management starts from the top down.
7. Meet and network with your classroom parents and appoint an unofficial "leader" who is unafraid to ask questions or express concerns, when you do not have the courage to do so. Often parents have very valid reasons for not bringing up the smallest of issues due to their particular circumstance.
8. Not all of the classes provide the same quality of education due to the quality of the instructor. Ask other parents whom they would recommend as a teacher for your child. Ask a parent who has had difficulties their opinion. Parents just know the truth of the matter and can tell you directly who is an effective teacher and who isn't.
9. Check in with your child. Make sure they are not only progressing developmentally but academically and with their religious studies. Too often one is overemphasized than the other and you will have a student who can memorize a verse but doesn't keep up with their peers, academically.
10. Remember you have choices in Henderson. Just like in life, there are people in all professions who put the gas on the pedal and people who coast in their jobs. Most people want a quality instructor who will not give up on their students, academically. Too often as parents, we are too tired to raise our concerns or just pick our battles very carefully with the best possible predictive outcome (i.e. no drama). Most facilities, are counting on you to not speak up.