OK. Just OK, all the way around. That said, its overpriced for what you get. It runs about 25 per person on a meal of small portions. I have been here monthly on average since the first day it opened. It has been a bumpy ride with service, but most of the ppl who are rude and unhelpful dont last long and there are some really nice ppl in between but its a high employee turnover kind of place. The food is good but very salty and some dishes just try too hard. The soups are most dissapointing...in a pho crazed world you would think a "noodle bar" would perfect the soups. There is little broth and lots of pomp...and toooooo much salt and condiments that compete. They would have been really smart to incorporate PHO and dim sum into an eclectic asian menu but as usual with the Red Rock they just miss the mark.