This used to be a go-to for us, as I am a native of NJ, but it has been so hit or miss in the last couple years that we don't even bother anymore. The quality of their food has gone down significantly and the service is just flat-out bad. Joe means well and is a terrific guy, but it seems as though he's taken his foot off the pedal and doesn't care as much anymore. The food used to be some of the best Italian in the Valley, but now it's truly mediocre at best. As alluded to above, the service is just bad and ill-suited for their roles. Not rude necessarily, just clueless and clearly not putting forth effort to exude confidence in the customer. My rating would have been 4 or 5 stars a few years ago, but now it was all I could do to not give Joe & co. a 1-star rating. I wish Joe would get back in the kitchen again and hire competent help.