It is FEDEX. Their peak moment seemed to come when they enjoyed that unapologetic product placement in the major motion picture 'Cast Away'.
Some of their employees seemingly are as about as ready to be cast away as one can get while still maintaining gainful employment at a business.
They charge a lot. I guess it costs a pretty penny to have Tom Hanks play a plump (pre-island stay) fictitious mid-level executive. I got to come here a lot because I became involved with company (Stubhub) that has a corporate rate with these fine, enterprising U.S. Americans.
Currently, I would not be caught dead paying what they charge to move around parcels just the same as much more affordable competitors. Never had a problem with my packages being lost or destroyed, so they are fairly reliable, at least anecdotally-speaking.
The staff at this location overall were competent. To me it was work, so I expect for there to be inherent unpleasantness; I never felt that anyone here were egregiously rude. YMMV. - E
Postscript. Closed on Sundays.