| - A map shop in 2013?? We took a stroll after going to the farmer's market across the street. Spotted The Map Shop and decided to take a peek. There are so many different maps from hand maps, globes and even laminated wall maps. They have everything from all the states in the US to Chile, Athens, Malaysia, Sicily and much much more. Despite the easy access to GPS systems, smart phones and Google maps, there are many that still cling on to the original navigation system of eyes, maps and a good sense of direction. My dad still whips out his 6 ft map and lays it out on the living room floor when he is in search of an address (yet he has an iPhone, but I digress). If you're one of these rare creatures, the "map readers," this place probably has any map you desire! Me, on the can give me a map and I have a pair of eyes to see it, but there is really no synergy between the two. Nonetheless, what an interesting store!