When I'm going to see a movie, I generally go to harkins. I went to go see a movie while my friend was at work and had to wait around a bit before it started. The staff was super nice and the bathroom was spotless (no easy task with how many people are in and out, i'm sure). Yes, the concessions are over priced, but what theatre isn't? Because I'm hard of hearing, I use assisted listening devices when I go see a movie (for the lack of closed captions). Once or twice I've had to macgyver the battery to work, but always receive assistance if it is needed. I've been to this harkins more than once and will definitely return. :)
*ahem* mini update here: Okay so, harkins totally gets 5,000 stars. I am currently waiting to be able to go into the theatre where my movie is going to play, an instead of an assisted listening device, they totally have closed captioning. I'm in love. This is so wicked. I can't wait to see how it works!