I will say something positive before going on and that is I've been going to this alteration shop for many years possibly 8 years or more. I cannot complain about too much from the past experiences because my clothes were coming to me as I needed and as I requested However, as of today I am seriously considering not returning simply because it seems that the owner was quite unwilling to accommodate my request for a simple bikini top alteration. I thought about this long and hard today and believe that if she is able to alter gowns and wedding dresses, she can alter a small uncomplicated swim top! I even shopped for the pads since she said she didnt have any (hard to believe). what was frustrating in our conversation - every time I explained something and held my clothing she would take it out of my hands and explain I was incorrect in my thinking. I got mixed messages on if she would help or not. I don't think she wanted to do my alteration at all. Not a people person but I overlooked this in the past because my clothes returned to me in good shape. I ended up calling on another seamstress who is a fitness student of mine, her reply to me was, "yes I can help you with your top, I'll be at the gym tomorrow and Friday just let me know what works."
6/16/16 I found a gym student of mine who sews - she fixed my top for $8.00!