| - This store is low in stock, shelves bare and a bit disheveled. This particular trip, I was in search of new kitchen glasses, wine glasses and/or a potato masher. Not really off-the-wall items, but pretty basic kitchen needs. They had none of the above available this trip and it's not a surprise, because I've not been able to find what I was looking for at this store in the past. The only positive experience I've had is in the women's shoe department, which I have had intermittent luck.
Service is a mixed bag ... Oh, and every time you try and leave the store with a cart, you smash right into the ceiling and every time I've witnessed it, a cashier says- "CAN'T LEAVE THE STORE WITH THE CART!" - or some variation thereof, quite loud, and it's kind of embarrassing since the front quarter of the store turns their heads to look at the cause of commotion. When I've witnessed it, the customer usually turns red and runs right out of the store with their bags of merchandise. I'd say, not the best practice, and I would change that straight away.
Overall, when looking for a deal on something I usually skip over to the other discount store next door or even better, Maxx down the street, and NEVER get a cart here, on the off chance of running right into the wall on the way out.