I pretty much always regret going here the minute I walk in. Not that the mall isn't beautiful and well-maintained, but malls like these make me 1) extremely glad I'm no longer a teenager and 2) wonder WTF would compel anybody in their right mind to work here.
I am going to "cheat" and review each store I visited separately, but I will give two pluses for the general mall: there is ample parking. Like, more than you could ever dream of. Also,there is a special room, adjacent to the spa-like bathrooms, designated for nursing moms. Not like I'd ever in a million years bring the baby if I can help it. Luckily, my husband hates malls even more than I do, so he was glad to watch the little one while I finished our holiday shopping. I think if I had to bring an infant to Beachwood Place I might have a panic attack!