I saw the reviews and couldn't believe it, but really this is a great place to go! I wish I got the guy's name but there was only one guy there so you'll probably be alright. I had cracked my HTC Thunderbolt screen, he had it replaced in less than 30mins. On top of that he knew everything about the phone and for you techies he gave me tips on how to root it and debloat it. I want to go back just to talk more about it but he has a job to do. I can also trust them not to hook up my phone to a PC and d'load all my pictures/videos/settings/contacts, etc.. Something you guys probably don't think about but I'm sure it happens at less reputable places. Another quick story, his mailman came in to drop off a packacge and asked about a problem with his Samsung phone, one of the directional arrows wasn't working. Rather than instantly say he had to replace it he suggested he may only have to clean it, you know other places would pick the most expensive repair they could rather than the right repair.