| - KFC - Those 3 letters stand together as an iconic symbol in the fast food dining universe. Back when it was simply known as Kentucky Fried Chicken, it was still a decent choice for Southern-style fried chicken, something that was relatively special back in the day. I still remember picnics with those styrofoam salad containers of the florescent dayglo green coleslaw, the congealed gravy blob and the individual packets of the infamous 'spork' with the removable center tine that could be used as a toothpick.
Today, I am relieved to be part of a world where small businesses can still thrive and share the culinary landscape with the big boys. It is with that thought that I introduce my latest chicken fix - Olive Chicken, aka the other KFC (Korean Fried Chicken).
I first heard of Korean-style fried chicken from watching documentaries on Chef Danny Bowien during the whole rise of Mission Chinese Food and their incredible cookbook, "Mission Street Food". Their mantra was simple: take the best elements of your favourite dishes and amplify them. This is where Korean fried chicken comes in. If you ask anyone what their favourite part of fried chicken is, the answer will almost always be, "that crunch!"
Well, Olive fries a great chicken which is some of the best that I've had in these parts in a long time. The signature crunch is there, light and clean with plump, tender meat that's so incredibly juicy. It is available in 2 flavours (a clean classic flavour and a signature Korean gochujang-based flavour). The texture of Olive's chicken makes full use of the mantra, resulting in a product that captures all that is good about fried chicken and minimizing the things I don't necessarily care for, in this case, the heavy greasy feeling you get after downing a 4 piece meal at another one of my favourite Calgary landmarks, Chicken-on-the-Way.
That being said, another one of the great things about Olive that makes it unique is the Asian inspired choice of sides that are available like rice, fried veggies and the pickled daikon. I think that the daikon is genius since it really offers a nice refreshing bite amidst the savoury goodness of this seriously legit chicken.
The ladies behind the counter are very nice and friendly and run a clean and efficient kitchen. Take the time to savour when you come here, have a seat and enjoy your latest fix.