| - Dirty. In a "Hey, is that okay by Health department standards?" kind of dirty. I understand they do a brusgue business. But when you can't keep cheap white plastic chairs free of dust and debris. That's a big problem. And, when you realize that the serving counters are NOT textured, but just layered with leftover prep work- ugh.
The cramped maze of chairs and lack of line do not help in the slightest. I, for one, enjoy perusing the counters and seeing the baked goods. But, unless you do this between people standing in line...this isn't going to happen here.
While the place is visually interesting (there's plenty of Look-At-Me hipsters manning the counters), I appreciate people wearing aprons. and the girl working prep looked to be wearing a bra, and not an actual top. Worse, there is no point in wearing gloves if you make a sandwhich, close a door, and go back to the sandwhichs. That kind of defeats the purpose of gloves in the first place.
This place may be one of a few in the area, but they don't deserve the prices they get when health concerns are so rampant.