Muy bueno!!!
Oddly enough I woke up last week with a fierce craving for an Empanada (my dad used to make them for me when I was little). I started researching where to find the best ones in Toronto and came across these great reviews for Jumbo Empanada.
I arrived there mid-afternoon and the line-up was to the door way...this was my first clue that I was in for a treat! By some miracle my friend and I were able to get a seat on the patio. Our empanadas came up super-quick and the staff was super friendly!
I am going to tell you right now that this was hands down THE BEST $3.99 that I have ever spent. The egg, roasted onions, olive, ground beef and cheesy goodness packed inside of the doughy yumminess that was my beef and cheese empanada was beyond delicious. Also, the homemade salsa was so fresh and delicious that I had to purchase my own for home. I am sorry dad but I want Jumbo Empanada to adopt me now...