I'm seriously dropping Dana Tire big time!
When I last had my car in, they told me my brakes were at 30%...I interpreted that to "fix brakes with next service." They replaced 4 tires for me and we discussed changing my shocks and struts, possibly with next service. Not an urgent thing for me to do. More of a nice to have.
Weeelll, I held off on next service, so finally had to get it done and went to Brake Masters because I figured I would let them do my brakes. Brake Masters told me...your brakes are fine...it's your struts. And I don't have shocks. Additionally, my tires were significantly out of balance. Something I was suspicious of after Dana replaced the tires, but wasn't quite sure because I figured shocks and struts needed to be done...but I don't have shocks! Anyway, Dana clearly did not balance after replacing my tires and I don't know whose car they were refering to when they said the brakes were at 30% and that my struts had shocks and could wait (my right front strut had a nice leak in it).
Brake Masters got a ton of money out of me...I also had to replace a fuel pump...but they appear to actually check my car and know which one they are talking about.