AVOID this restaurant for Summerlicious dinner.
They lull you in with a good appetizer then the main course comes in and wham. You are asking what happen.... Did the chef became busy with too many orders. Can't be when it was half empty and the place was small. Nope no excuse. Then dessert came in... If seems as if noobee made it.
First course appetizer
Tomato ceviche
* 8.5/10
* clean taste. Interesting texture. Teases the taste buds
Shrimp and no grits
* 7.5/10
* shrimp slightly over cooked causing the shrimp texture to be off
* sauce inconsistent flavor . One plate it was spicy then no flavour at all while the 2nd plate the sauce was mixed well
Main course
Creole lingcod
*5 to 6/10
* fish. Was seared okay. Vegetable were okay. The issue was the levels of spice.
Note both of my friends can easily eat spicy food but when too much spice are added; it over power the flavour and kill your taste buds. For that reason the low scoring and beginning of our down hill experience with this restaurant
Chicken n waffle
* classic simple comfort dish where you can't mess up. And if you do..... You can't hide it
* my dish the chicken was bland. Crispy and juicy but where's my salt.. .. Number one rule is seasoning properly. My fellow friend chicken was over seasoned. So I'm guessing she got my salt...
* the waffle was dry and felt like they made it in advance followed by microwave before serving. Creating a soft non-crispy texture.
Strawberries short cake with lemon sorbet deconstructed.
Who Ever decided to place a lemon sorbet over short cake should be smacked in the head. Having the lemon melt into it... Is just wrong. The flavour combination is mess up. If you are aiming tartness to counter the strawberries sweetness which by the way... It wasn't sweet. Then make strawberry sorbet with a small hint lemon.
Peach cobbler
* peaches and cakes portion was good. The issue is.... You don't place a ice cream on top of it and let it sit for a LONG.... time in the kitchen. By the time it got to to our table it was a melted mess. Which I pointed out to our server but no.... Do I get a replacement. Nope. Just a lame excuse it because the peach cobbler is hot. I gave her the look.
Commons sense. If you plan to top ice cream on a hot food item you wait to the last moment before placing the scoop of ice cream and serve IMMEDIATELY