| - When I turned sixteen, my battle with acne began. It was cystic acne--painful swollen lazy-to-erupt, slow-motion volcanoes. They came and left slowly, like a socially-paralyzing constellation moving across a two-decades-long night sky. Frankly, I had kinda given up on clear skin, but when I moved back to my hometown of Pittsburgh, I thought perhaps I should give it one more try. I found Anna Skin Care via Yelp and figured it couldn't hurt to try. Turns out, it did the opposite of hurt: After a couple months of being committed to Anna's program, I am cyst-free! 100% zero cysts. It's pretty darn unbelievable. And it's thanks to more than just the products and the peels. Anna's expertise is key, as well. She helped me figure which products were best for me, and at what strengths. She also has a great "bedside manner." I still have some discoloration and scarring left, but it's steadily fading. I'm so psyched and grateful and heartily recommend a visit to Anna!