I lived here for five years, was a quiet tenant and always paid my rent on time. When Jaclyn was running the office everything was perfect. She moved on to other things last year and everything has been downhill since. A few months after I'd renewed my lease I received a call saying I wasn't paying enough rent. The new manager said the pet rent hadn't been added to my lease and so I owed almost $200 in back rent. I was already struggling with money at that time and told her my rent that month would be a couple days late and I would pay them on pay day. Ten minutes after rent was supposed to be due on the 5th I received an eviction notice stating that if I didn't pay in five days I would be removed from the premises. I understand there are rules and regulations, but I had spoken with her and she said everything would be fine. I decided I wouldn't be staying another year and just moved out this past week. They just sent me an insane bill for all the things they had to do around my apartment on top of taking my entire security deposit. These are really nice apartments and it's a shame how they're running the place.