| - we took our dog there for the first and last time ...i specifically stated to the owner that my dog was to play with other dogs, and when the "rest period" was needed, he was to be put in either a "run" or "suite". under no circumstances was he to be put into the shelter style cage. everything was all nice and sweet i made the appointment in person with the owner, told me all about the 5 star service,the yelp #1 rating, angie's list top rating, the vip services and "pet limo" all the bells and whistles. well when i asked for a tour she quickly said they couldn't because they were feeding the dogs, ok fine i thought, i went ahead with the appointment anyway because i made it very clear about not having my dog put in a cage, no matter what it cost. i drop my pup off, i tell the owners son all about not putting him in the shelter style cage, no expense is to be spared for a "suite" or " run". he says no problem we can handle that, i give him the special diet food and my dogs personal dish.when i go to pick up my dog, i request the tour to see the facilities. the front of the ship smells all nice and minty, as soon as i go i the back it was a disgrace , smelled of poop and piss, plenty of available "runs" and "suites", they were not in the best of shape, dirty doors, dogs didn't look happy.i find my pup in this chain-linked fence area with a puddle of piss in the middle, my dog looked like a prisoner of war my shock and disgust i see my dogs leash on a shelter style small cage with his name on it !!!!!!! i was livid i couldn't believe he was put in there, after my orders were crystal clear.....the food in the cage was not his food and when i asked for his food and dish the unprofessional kid went in the back room which was a slop mess disaster trash all over the place dirty bowls piled up.....i demanded a refund and told the girl working what my orders were for my dog and that im beyond disappointed. after being told im sorry every which way she said she couldn't refund me with out the owners approval, after telling her i don't care who has to approve it i finaly got my money back. this dog boarding place is a disgrace and should be avoided at all costs, do not take your beloved animals here, they are shady dirty and unprofessional......stat away !!!!!!!