This place is TERRIBLE. The customer service sucks!! They have their kids running all over the place.. when I walked in the owners five year old girl was asking what service I wanted and asked me to sign in and that it would be a few minutes?? What the hell?? Why is this little girl even talking to the cusotmers about a service they want. Another one of their kids was using the nail polish to paint one of her toy horses right in the front sitting at a maincure station. There are cartoons on playing loudly in the background and I see the mom with her baby hanging out watching TV in one of the pedicure chairs like she is sitting in her living room.. They had customers already being worked on at this time. so they do not care about appearances and being professionaI. I think the place looks dirty too and disorganized. A customer walked in and was asking about how they dissinfected their equipment and the lady was trying to do some fast talk or acting like she didn't fully understand or something and wasnt explaining clearly so the lady kept having to repeat herself. I dont think she ever got a straight answer, The owner of the shop is cocky and rude too and didn't even greet people or say Thanks for coming in or anyting.. he just got up and walked away from the table when he was done.. He should be sooo grateful he even had customers because the place really sucks. I think the should get a suprise visit from the health department honestly. I would never go to this place again.. maybe if it gets shut down and renovated.. and gets a new owner.