| - Some people want more cowbell in their lives. They're stupid. What they really want but don't know they want is more Island Life Pools and Spas. Let me tell you a little bit about my experience with them.
Disclaimer: This was my experience. Yours may be different.
Alternative Disclaimer: I'm moving this week and, while I will no longer have my own pool, I'm considering hiring him anyway just to come stand around shirtless on my new balcony as a draw to bring the fly hunnies up to my place.
Second Alternative Disclaimer: Jealous husbands, I've never seen him be anything but uberly professional so don't sweat my jokes.
Ok, so, biweekly or monthly depending on my memory, Rod has saved my pool from being a swamp-thang by dealing with the many things regarding this pool about which I'm too incapable of learning and altogether too happy to pay him to deal with...
So he comes, and, this last week, knowing it was the week of the relationship that has gone on so long but not long enough in either my own or the pool's estimation, I heard through the open porch window that the pool was weeping hearty sobs and that there was a flower blooming out of the top step.
And I said, Pool, Dearest Pool, why oh why do you weep and from where and how did this little guy sprout, considering you're chlorinated and all... and the pool paused, and said it didn't know for sure but it did remember that one salty tear had fallen from Rod's eye that last day he loved the pool in the exact spot the little guy arose but that what was most sorrowful was that the pool saw its own pristine beauty reflected back in Rod's eyes and knew that era had come to an end.
So I did the only moral thing. I left Rod's card taped to the fridge and put a note telling the new owner that no one could ever love this pool they way he did. The way he probably always well if I know him at all.
So yes, the rates are rock solid and in line with the service you get. He'll come to you. You never need to haul your pool into him. He goes almost everywhere throughout the valley. He's reliable. He's knowledgable. He's a small business owner doing his thing and that's who we should be supporting, Yelp. In my opinion at least.
If you need pool help, this is your guy.