I showed up with my girlfriend the day after christmas with NO reservations and scored the cheapest room I could get for $134 for one night!
We took a chance assuming it wouldn't be that bad with the MGM. With no reservations and plans on staying for no more than 2 days, MGM was our random selection.
The line to check in took about 20 minutes but moved steadily. Once we got to the check in desk I asked for the cheapest room they have. Boy did I really get a cheap room!
Once we arrived to the room which took freaking forever walking down a very long hallway was small, maybe 300 square feet? We actually could not find the window at first since it was covered and blended in with the wall. Our "view" was of some other building, no big deal. All the furniture was very modern and kind of dark. It took awhile to find where the lights were. Flat screen tv on the wall was pretty big! The only thing that annoyed me was the lack of privacy for the bathroom. The toilet and shower were completely separate but that was the only privacy you got. The sink and prep area was all open. The doors were very thin and made of glass. Meh, not my type of bathroom.
The hotel is very big where you can easily get lost but I don't mind. It was enjoyable overall.