This place is a little piece of heaven to me. Breakfast is my favorite meal, so much that so that just "a little" breakfast doesn't do it for me. I'm used to bacon/eggs/toast/grits with a side of bacon, maybe it's my grandma's southern blood in me. When the waitress explained the menu here to us, she pointed out a particular section and said something along the lines of "be careful, this is a lot of food." I had already selected something else not from said section, so natuarlly my thought became, "Uh oh... I must not have ordered enough..." Boy was I wrong. What Hash House must categroize as "not a lot of food" is enough to feed a small country.
It's like getting two meals at once. I can be a pretty big eater and this breakfast had me satisified until dinner time.
Not only are the portions substantial, but the food is good too. This is not slop - it's well put together dishes with tasty sides and a lot of flavor. The fried chicken and waffles is their signature dish, but i decided to go "lighter" with the fried chicken and mashed potatoes and i was not dissappointed.
This is a great spot and i definitely recommend. Try going early (pre 8 AM) if you want to avoid the breakfast crowd on the weekends.