Marshal helped me get started with Tmobile, he erased my wife and my text msgs, and later claimed that Tmobile and Verizons text msg system were not compatible and wasn't his fault?( AscII is the same no matter what computer system your on the delimeters changebinary is binary digit.) They advertise Tmobile will pay
for you to change to their network upto $650 per line we never recieved a penny. The coverage is the so bad that they sent me a signal booster that works off my home wifi, so I'm paying for a phone call and data twice Then they sent me a new and improved unit and won't let me return the old one to the store and are charging me $325.
I goto Anthem and Deer Valley and there are so many dead spots or bad coverage I cant use the companies mobile program, so they had to come up with a manual system to complete my work.
There are over 20,000 complaints against Tmobile with F.T.C. , and 1000s more with the BBB.