Went in yesterday for have my alignment checked because of there signs that say free alignment check and of course the website says the same thing. Had an appointment at 4, arrived a little early checked in, I knew my alignment was out because I'm in the process of replacing suspension and steering components and let the salesperson/manager know this. The mechanic working the alignment rack was working on another vehicle so I figured it will be a little bit before he gets to my truck. Sitting in the waiting area looking into the vehicle bays I notice only the guy on the alignment rack is working the other two seem to have a game of grab ass going on, not a good sign of any shop. 30 minutes later my truck is up getting checked, the game of grab ass is still going on but at least my truck was being worked on. Another 30 minutes pass and the mechanic is headed up front with the paperwork, he speaks with the salesperson/manager and leaves. The salesperson comes to me and says it's way out of alignment but he can have it temporarily corrected because it is in need of replacement parts, I turn down his offer because as I mentioned to him before I'm in process of doing that, then he proceeds to tell me that his manager told him he's supposed to charge me 79.95 because it's out of alignment, yet there was no one else up front nor in the office since the door was open and I could see in there! I tell him good luck I came in for your free check and pointed to the sign also mentioning it is in the website then he tells me is only supposed to be free if there's nothing wrong with it! Who the hell runs a business like this. I was half expecting him to tell me he can't " legally" let me drive it in that condition but luckily for him he didn't. My truck was brought around and I left. I can only imagine what other garbage they pull with people going there to buy tires or heaven forbid get their vehicle worked in