| - Worse chinese ive ever had and the owner is miserable. I have never in my life sent a plate back- I would rather eat something I hate then send it back. However, the food was so bad that for the first time in my life I did. I ordered the family style tofu. The veggies were cold and the tofu had never touched a pan. The tofu was so watery- it had not been pressed, it has not been fried, it had just been cut and put on my plate. It had not even been seasoned. It was just soy mush. BEFORE I was going to break my own rule, I asked each person at my table familar with the dish from other places to try it. ALL OF THEM said it was wrong, gross, cold, horrible. So I finally asked the lady if they could help me. THE OWNER YELLED AT ME. "It is fried, that is fried" I said, I am sorry but it is cold. She said fine I will take it and cook it better. I know better then to have someone threaten me and then give them food to give back to me. I actually don't believe people spit on food, but for the first time in my life- I didn't trust my waiter or the owner. She was mean, and rude. So she said- what do i want then? I guess you want some free food then! SHE SAID THAT TO ME- No i already paid for that, so I want something to eat. Nothing has been free. She handed me a menu and hovered over me for the entire time, and finally in a rush I just picked an appetizer. Because I had already picked what i wanted, but it was horrible. THEY CHARGED ME FOR THE MEAL- NOT THE APPETIZER- a big price difference.
I am a very shy person, and being verbally attacked as a customer was crossing the line. I will never go back and I always tell my friends to avoid it.
As you can see from my reviews I NEVER rate things badly. I have decided a long time ago, to come on here and help restaurants that I want to do well, when they really do something well, get good reviews. I keep my mouth shut if i actually don't like a place- I might have ordered badly, I might have misunderstood something. I am not going to put anyone out of business. but this place? I hate it. Wish it would close.