| - I haven't cried since my very first yoga class. I did today.
They weren't tears of pain or frustration (though I did feel like puking a few times) - just pure gratitude and release. I find it very difficult to find a yoga studio with this kind of spiritual energy. While I'm pretty bummed that when I finally did, it is 2,500 miles from my home, today's class was exactly what I needed and I learned a lot from it!
I consistently practice warm vinyasa, which is around 85 degrees. The 15 degree increase and added humidity is pretty remarkable. Also, this was a true 90 minute class. There is shavasana near the end, during which there are still hip/heart-opening sequences and twists, with rest and meditation in between. Ultimately, at the end of the full 90 minutes, you are in final shavasana for as long as you wish. I found this method to be challenging, empowering and exhilarating. Remember, your body is capable of a lot more than you know. This class will help you realize how much!
The instructor, Chris, certainly had a lot to do with the experience - it was her guidance, personality and energy that allowed me to let go of everything and cry at the end. At the beginning of class, she found me (knowing I was new), and when she heard I was visiting from out of town, she welcomed me to the entire class by name, and thanked me again for coming at the very end. This made me smile - a lot.
The studio itself is very zen and welcoming also...large and open with soft lighting, beautiful wood floors and ceiling fans keeping the warm air circulating (even with about 20 people, I didn't smell any stank!).
Other notable items: The locker room is beautiful and clean (I have actually never been to a yoga studio with a locker room!) - they have cubbies to keep your belongings in during class, and showers for after. The reception/retail section is fantastic, including a nice yogitoes skidless towel selection (absolutely VITAL in this type of class), mats and stainless steel bottles (do yourself and the environment a favor and grab one of these!). There is a gorgeous tiled wall with a sink that puts out filtered water for students (please, please drink plenty of water before and after class...really - they also sell coconut H2O). The first thing my eyes went to was a sticker that said "What Would Buddha Do?" - I kinda loved that.