Stay away from The Children's Place! There's an old bitchy lady that works there that's rude as all out!! I went there today to use a gift card that was given to my 5yr.old on his birthday to get him some p.j.'s.
Before I even walked through the front entrance, this wicked witch of the store comes rushing up to me and says,"What're you looking for!!??" Not even a hello or good morning! I told her that I was looking to get my son some p.j.'s, and with that she said "OH... CARRY ON!" I was like, WTF!? So I just blew her off and went on with my business thinking she was just having a "senior " moment. But come check out, she said forcefully that needed my email address and phone number to complete the transaction. I told her I just wanted to pay and wasn't interested in whatever promo they were offering. She then said with a huff, "FINE!", and mumbled something under breath.
I then asked her if there was a problem, and all I got for an answer was a serious glare with attitude!
All I can say is if this is the way this company trains its employees, I'm NOT shopping there again!