| - How did I go from giving Living Spaces 5 stars to 1 star? Well let me tell you what happened to me.
This review is based not on this specific Living Spaces location but it's based on the scheduling department for when your order is ready. When I went to the actual store in person I was very happy with their customer service and workers. We went on the computer, they verified my order was right, we looked at the schedule and together we picked a date all of my stuff would get shipped to me. I work many many hours a week and have very few days off in a month if I even have a day off in a month. I picked the date 3 weeks out in advanced and let my work know that under no circumstances could I work 4/19/14 because I was having my furniture delivered that day...or so I thought.
Come wednesday afternoon 4/16/14 I get a call telling me my order is ready and they would like to schedule a date for delivery. Schedule a date for delivery? Why whatever could they mean when I had a date set in advance for 4/19/14. I let them know the date and they inform me that date is not possible. That although their website says it can do next day or overnight delivery the soonest I would be able to get my stuff would be 4/20/14. But wait, they made a mistake again, they realized it's a holiday and actually my furniture can't be delievered until 4/21/14. I think, okay, let me see what in my life I can rearrange while I'm at work of course. I tell the scheduler I need to contact a family member and see if that personc an please sit at my house and wait for the furniture to arrive and request that the scheduler please call me back as I did not have my order information with me at work when they called. She stated she would, I verified again, please call in 30 minutes exactly, I will be waiting at the phone. She promises up and down she'll call back but never calls again.
Now I'm heated, I call myself and speak with a different scheduler now. Hi, I'd like to set up my order for delivery, ya know the girl who dropped $4000 at your store, yeah me. Second scheduler, a man this time, tries to set me up for 4/19/14, I tell him I would LOVE it if he could book me for that day, but it was my understanding there was supposedly no way humanly possible they could ship it to me by then. He checks his schedule, "you're correct Ms. we cannot get your items to you until monday 4/21/14. I say okay, please schedule it that day. He asked if I wanted 8am to 2pm or 12pm to 6pm. I tell him 2pm - 6pm, and he let's me know someone will call me the night before to narrow the time frame to a 3 hour window.
I think great, I've arranged my life, and my mothers life so that she can go to my house and wait for my furniture if I cannot make it out of my meetings in time to be there and I beg my boss to please provide me half day at work for this special circumstance because I'm tired of sitting on the floor in my giant empty house. My boss agrees and I think it's all settled. But it get better because it's not even literally 30 seconds after I hang up when I get a voicemail message telling me they actually cannot bring my furniture monday 4/21/14 but they've decided to move it to 4/22/14.
Moved my appointment? What? After I just got done on the phone telling you I'm a psycho workaholic with barely enough time to sleep let alone sit around a house for 8 wasted hrs waiting for furniture. And you've taken it upon yourself to move it to 8am-2pm as well, even better!!! ***sarcasm***
I call them back now speaking with a different scheduler again, and tellt hem I specifically said I couldn't make it that day. What happened to my monday appt? Scheduler #3 tells me that it's too short notice and it has to be pushed further out, how about wednesday 4/23/14. I tell her no, I have important meetings all day, I cannot just drop my life whenever THEY want me to and let her know I'll call back. So I do call back, today 4/18/14 to arrange it with PLENTY of time for 4/26/14 and they tell me I'm all set...or so you would think wouldn't you. I ask, is it a morning time frame or afternoon time frame? Scheduler #4 doesn't know what I mean so I let him know everyone else I've talked to has always given me the options of morning or afternoon. I would like to arrange 8am to 2pm. But Scheduler #4 tells me that's not even an option and that they've all been instructed not to provide time frames.
I explain to him the headache they've put me through trying to get ahold of my own furniture that I paid for already a month ago and I just want my stuff now, quit holding it hostage. But scheduler #4 tells me, "can't you just pick a day you have the whole day off?" Well yeah but that's not for weeks so now I have to request another special day off of work so I can sit at home all day long waiting for them to show. I give up and give in, book it, and scheduler #4 hangs up briskly. What an @$$hole!!!!!!