Avoid this company at all cost!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I saw a post that said "Wow. Just wow" then went on to say all the bad things about this company. All I can say is that I can top that. In December of last year my diabetic supplies were 23 days late, January's order arrived Feb 15 with the order that was due on February 4th, and I was told to hold on to January's order to cover the donut hole in my coverage. Fast forward. 10 months into the year and only 4 times have my supplies arrived on time. NO JOKE. I am speechless at all the asinine comments [Them] " Well we are paid to offer 30 days supplies every 30 days" [me] "but you only sent me enough for 28 days.... [them]"well can't you make them last?" when talking about a medical device rated by the FDA to last no more than 7 days each in a box of 4. OR [Them] Well you didn't call us so we didn't ship it" {Me] I have continu-care isn't that supposed to ship every 28 days? [ Them} no, continu-care only works when you call us. We're having trouble when people order online." So why do you have continu-care if it doesn't work?" [them] ir works for some people that don't mind waiting."