I wanted to like this more than I did, primarily because it's something DIFFERENT and let's face it - Twyla Tharpe is one of Vegas's flirtations with the avant garde. One of these days that's going to work out for us.
Sinatra: Dance With Me is a 60 min dance performance in one act. Appropriate for the music, this is mainly couples dance which uses the music to tell the story. The performers are all uniformly good with a couple of knock-out 'wow, I can't believe how good s/he is' performers. (The bartender and the sexy black lady in particular, sorry, I lost my guide so I can't pull their names.)
I was with my dad, and my godson's parents. They nodded off a bit in this. My dad, on the other hand, really liked this. My attention wandered a bit. So I would say it's great entertainment for a slightly older audience but for a group of people in their twenties you should look elsewhere.
Minor quibble: the theatre isn't big enough. Intimate is a nice way of saying cramped with a view blocked by someone's massive forehead.