I'm pretty much a hamburger and pizza kinda guy, so when I walked into this restaurant and saw the menu of really fancified food, I wasn't very hopeful. The prices scared me a little bit too, but mostly it was the very froufrou nature of the menu. I was a bit of a captive audience, though, so I settled down and picked the dish that I thought I would hate the least: the roast chicken breast with lentils and beans.
And it was fantastic! Neither overspiced nor too bland, definitely not too dry, and just tasty in general. I left nothing on my plate. On the basis of that dish and the excellent service, I give this restaurant four stars.
Why not five? Mostly because I really do think, as a hotel restaurant that's in a slightly isolated area north of Calgary, they should probably be offering a broader menu. But I certainly can't complain about my own experience.