You have been forewarned this place has great food! HORRIBLE SERVICE. I should of known when we got seated it was going to be a problem since the guy next to us had complained to the wait staff on how poorly the service was. I was trying to be optimistic and hope that after they got talked too it would change the service. NOPE! After our food was brought to us, no one asked if the food was good, not one single waiter asked if we needed anything else, I thought that should be serving 101. Not one single waiter was around for a good 20 mins and I kept looking around to see if anyone noticed we were ready to go? I had to call over someone to get me a box and our check. Only then did the manager come and asked if we wanted a refill, no we've been sitting here for an hour with our food and no one had asked prior. At one point new customers came in and you see the manager look around to see where her waiters were and no one was to be found so she had to go seat them and take their drink order. I made sure they knew they were shitty and wrote it on the pay slip !!!