The "help" I received at this Apple store was laughable. I arrived for an intro class with a fully functional machine, took the "class" which was pretty lame (most of what you learn can be done at home with simple exploration) and then wanted to get some quesstions answered about getting old e-mail from my previous machine. Our instructor told us to snag a guy on the floor to answer our questions (three of them). The advanced class is no longer offered, so much of what we had hoped to learn about using i-cloud and transmission from other devices, we will have to figure out on our own. We found a guy, but he was hostile and rude. He eventually walked away from us after giving us the incorrect information about e-mail retrieval and password resetting, leaving us with a machine that no longer functioned properly. We sought out the guy with the clipboard and he said there were no appointments available at the genius bar for 4 hours and that was at another store across town. We had traveled 50 minutes to get to this store from our home. We pointed out to him that is was HIS employee who screwed up the device. They REALLY didn't care about serving their customers. When a young woman arrived without an appointment, the clip board guy told her to wait a minute and they would see what they could do to help!! My husband and I are in our 60's and use computers and smart phones every day, but there seems to be an arrogance in this store if you are not the young, hip, techie person. My husband spent an hour or so on the phone with Apple tech support and got things straightened out. THEY were very helpful. This store does not have the "Nordstrom" customer service ethic and is not a place to go for help. Their focus is to demo, sell their devices and act like customer service is beneath them. Their "coolness" is a turn-off and they act like they are doing you a great favor if they answer a question. It seems to us that Apple is selling more devices than they have the manpower to support in their stores. I will avoid these stores like the plague. All of this makes me wonder why I bought an Apple product in the first place.