| - I really, really want to like The Diamond. It's cheap, convenient to my house, and my friends like it. Maybe I'm ordering the wrong things, but I'm just not even impressed enough to want to go without being decently drunk first. The first two times I went, I got breakfast food. Breakfast is kind of why I go to diners, I love it. Unfortunately, the Diamond can't manage cooking scrambled eggs. They came out rubbery and overdone both times.
My friends agreed that their breakfast is terrible and said I just had to try their lunch/dinner menu instead. Well, I gave it a shot with one of their signature sandwiches, a pork burger with onions, bacon, and cheddar. Three bone shards later, I decided I couldn't finish my pork burger and moved on to the sweet potato fries I had paid an upcharge to get. Mushy. My friend's regular fries tasted great, but they didn't get the sweet potato ones right.
The $20-for-2 dinner bill would have been a consolation if only the service had been quick enough to bring us our bill and the extra meal we had ordered. Unfortunately, just like some of our party's drinks and silverware, the server had forgotten and we had to wait another 15 minutes while they hustled it out of the kitchen. Meh.