Walgreens you have forever lost all of my business. I know my monthly business alone of inhalers, antihistamines, diapers, etc. will not bankrupt your company. But hopefully others will follow suit and not give business to an organization that has a policy in place where pharmacists can decide not to fill a customer's order. Having a policy like this has allowed a woman in an already terribly sad situation to be kicked while down. I will now give my business to CVS. Shame on you Walgreens. Please vet your pharmacists a little more so you don't hire zealots who deny medication to patients, as Mr. Hreniuc did. And maybe people with such strong judgement of others should choose another career path! Mr. Hreniuc, one day you will meet your maker and I strongly doubt you will be rewarded for denying medical care to a woman who was suffering and trying to avoid surgery. Brian Hreniuc, you have proven to be grossly negligent!