| - Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love Yogurtland. In my opinion, they beat Mojo's and all the other yogurt places hands down. They have more flavors, more toppings, fancy water (with strawberries floating in them), cool spoons, and yogurt prices that aren't too harsh on my wallet. Also, I think they have a more ice cream-like texture but since it's yogurt, I can lie to myself that this might actually be healthier than the tub of ice cream I have sitting in the freezer. But all that aside, I give this location in particular, 1 star.
So sometimes at the Tempe location, about half the yogurt dispensers are down. Fine, it's a high traffic location, machines need some care too. Whatever, I can deal with less flavors. Sometimes the toppings aren't stocked. Sure, I don't need any more than a scoop of this and a scoop of that. Again, not a big deal. Most of the time, the crew has yogurt stains on their shirts. Again, whatever. The machines are down, they need to be fixed. Yogurt accidents are inevitable. But this was the final straw.
BUGS. The tiny flying ones that love to swarm at you in the evenings. The ones with green, translucent wings. And other unidentifiable bugs that I just call gross. On all of the toppings. On the sneeze guards, on the spoons, in the toppings, on the fruits.
So now I drive the extra 5 or so miles to the Scottsdale or Chandler location to get my Yogurtland fix. I told you I love Yogurtland. Just not this location.