WARNING: Double check your credit card statement if you put down a written tip. They over charged me more than what I wrote down. My credit card company credited me the difference, but I am not sure if they brought it up to this restaurant. This is completely unethical and illegal!
The young greeter was friendly and was very helpful with introducing the menu to us. He let us choose some sauces to try out before we ordered - which I thought was very nice! He brought them out and we tried them with some tortilla chips.
The Kickin' Honey Garlic wings were just okay, nothing amazing, I've had much better wings and from many different places. I would say their sauce was better than the actual chicken wing. Pricing is pretty standard, however, overpriced since I didn't think they were that good.
I also had the Big Jack Daddy Burger - this was surprisingly much better than the wings. The burger meat, pulled pork and the BBQ sauce were an amazing combo. I definitely recommend this burger over the wings.
I would not come back here solely for the fact that they overcharged me on my credit card behind my back, and I will not support this illegal behavior. Makes you wonder how many other people's money they have stolen.