To the woman who ripped the "water" cup out of my hand because she noticed I had poured 2 ounces of sprite into my designated water cup, well, I say congratulations at being so good at your job. To the cashier who messed up my order twice and was evidently on heroin, I also applaud you for eventually getting it right (not that there's anything wrong with a little H when handling the cashier). To the corporation that passed off what they considered food but wasn't, I also applaud you for having the brass to do so.
FYI, I had also already ordered a soda but I had thrown my cup away since I had just cleaned up after myself but got thirsty for more. Oops!
Honestly, this place is a joke. I don't know why I went. Mickeys up the road is leaps and bounds better and cheaper for breakfast and any of the bars on Regent St. serve real burgers and chicken sandwiches or salads and you won't run into this sort of scenario at any other place that I can think of in the area.
Spare your dignity and don't bother.