Still popping in here regularly so time for a mini update.
Laura C T has great tips! I must definitely try to score a back rest. Still finding the seats very uncomfortable. The man in front of me had some kind of support last night but was still not happy by the time the intermission came around. I end up doing the make do approach to comfort and putting my balled up coat behind my back to make it straighter.
Raymond's review and his $149 ticket price reminded me that I should have mentioned the TSO programme for 35 and under: tsoundcheck. If you buy a subscription package ahead of time, it's $90 for 3 concerts and you get to choose good seats-including in his preferred section! I've been up close and personal with Itzhak Perlman this season for that bargain price. They release $14 tsoundcheck tickets closer to the concert. You might not get as nice a seat...but it's still hard to pass up. I agree that C1 is my preferred section too. I was in row 0 last night and liked it both for view and acoustics. They were right when they told Raymond that C3 is prime seating. It is what they consider the best! Front centre mezzanine is always priced highest. Not my personal preference though so worth looking at the seating map if you're booking and prefer to be closer:
I'll leave my thoughts on the orchestra and Peter Oundjian for my TSO review.