| - It's time to give credit where credit is due !!
We don't think much about the standard type institutions we use on a daily basis, we just expect them to magically be there, somehow -- like the banks, schools, government offices and so on. My experience with Wells Fargo Bank dates back at least 25 years. I chose the bank because it was close to my location at the time, and was a recognized banking establishment. Store fronts have changed, internet arrival changed the way we all operated, but through it all, I don't recall a single banking error or service problem that ever occurred. Wells Fargo was what I needed it to be for me, a place to store and retrieve money when I needed the service. I never took advantage of all the many other services available, such as loans or credit cards, because I had those services already established. The credit that is due is that with ATM services, Wells Fargo has been my steadfast partner in all the countries I have been through all these years. Thanks much !!