I had the worst experience at this dog park. I've been taking my pitbull puppy to dog parks since ive had him at 10 weeks old!! He's 14 months old now and I never experience people being so rude saying to me that I shouldn't have a pitbull at the park. My dog gets along with all humans and dogs alike and has never once gotten into a fight. An all black bull dog and another shaggy dog were geting in fights with other dogs and both dogs separate times attacked my dog! My dog was even running away from the bull dog! Then I put my dog on his leash in fear that another dog would accidentally bite me when pull them apart and from my dog geting hurt. This lady came up to me very aggressive saying you should leave! I said why and she said because you have a pitbull and your making other dogs aggressive! I asked how a dog couldn't do that? And if she doesn't like it she should leave! But I was just disgusted by her and other people's behavior against pitbull when it wasn't even my dogs fault at all I left the park and will never come back! IF YOU HAVE A PITBULL DO NOT GO TO THIS PARK!! I'm so aggravated with people who think there option is appropriate or valid. #pitbullequality!!