What a low life kind of place. I have been offended and wronged one too many times at this establishment. First time I was told that I was a "stupid chink" and yes I mean this in the wrong derogative way against Asians, well tonight I was told that because of my abnormality cause by my bilateral cleft lip birth defect. One of the so claimed security guards told me to go "fix my lip". That is neither professional or right on a basic human level. I've been so hopping mad at the comment that I have called everyone I know to vent and clam down to about the situation but nothing has worked or fixed how I feel. I will not and refuse to support a bar/club that allows people to say such offensive things to their customers. I will NEVER support this place again and strongly urge everyone else looking for a good place to spend an ENJOYABLE evening to elsewhere in the city straight or gray friendly.